About Mary-Anne

Often imitated, never duplicated.

Mary-Anne Kennedy is Internationally Acclaimed, award-winning, and Canada’s Top Psychic Medium. She is the best-selling author of “How to Become a Medium: A Step-by-Step Guide to Connecting with the Other Side” and “Advanced Mediumship: A Masterful Guide for the Practicing Medium”.  Mary-Anne is a spiritual educator, spiritual coach, and TV Personality, starring in three seasons of Ghosts of Dufferin County & Beyond. Featured as a guest and expert contributor with numerous television, radio, and podcast productions, Mary-Anne’s professional contributions to the metaphysical community are extensive. Founder of the School of Mediumship & Spiritual Studies, Mary-Anne’s distinguished teaching style makes it easy to understand how the spirit world works, and what you need to do to develop your connection with it. Mary-Anne also contributes her time and talents to various charity events each year, establishing healing connections to the spirit world with compelling accuracy and power.

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