Do you feel as though the vibrational frequency of your space is not aligned with you, or just feels low or negative? Similar to people, places (and objects) hold vibrational energy, which is affected by many things such as historical events in the space, the energy of those occupying the space, and the energy of items present in the space.
Energy clearing is often the most effective way of neutralizing and then raising vibrational frequency of a location. Mary-Anne practices energy clearing and house blessings, and as part of this service, provides consultation on how to keep the energy of the space where you want it.
During energy clearings or house blessings, Mary-Anne will spend an hour with you in your home cleansing the space and providing the consultation. The associated fee for local (within 25 minutes of Erin, Ontario) homes/spaces is $495. Non-local homes may be accommodated for an additional travel fee.
Request your clearing or blessing below. Note: Mary-Anne is located in Erin, Ontario.